"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Hair for The Lead Singer and Dancers

For the lead singer we began discussing the hair-style of our lead singer for our music video. For the first element when she is walking through the maze made of fluorescent light tubes. We want her to to have an up-do ponytail. This will give her a sleek and edge look. Below are inspirations for the hair style. 

For the second and third elements when she is in the silhouette wheel and behind the screens. We want her to have her hair to be natural and flowing. We want her hair to be full of volume and curly. This means we will not have to spend too much time styling her hair.

For the last element we want to have her sleeked back. We want to give her hair a wet look and combed effect. This same hair style will be for the lead singer and dancers. Below are images of how we imagine it to be. 

By having the artist's hair and look change throughout the video, it gives a sense of her glamour and evolution, which fits in with Dyer's Star Theory that artists are manufactured in order to make money for the insitutions. By giving the artist different looks it brands her as being fashionable and different which helps her connect to her target audience.

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