"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Sunday 16 October 2016

Creating Animatic Storyboard

 After having created our storyboard we decided to create an animatic storyboard so that we could have a pre-visualisation of the timings, editing and pace of the final music video. This would also make it easier for everyone on the shoot day to see how we want to film the music video. It will also help us in post-production when we are editing so that we can see how we want to cut it. 

Ella editing the Animatic storyboard

We created the storyboard by taking an indiviual photograph of each frame from the storyboard. Saskia did this and took a photo of each shot frame. 
Then Ella and I looked at how we can arrange the animatic storyboard and how to edit it with the music. Ella finished the animatic stroyboard by editing the frames we had with the our track.

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