"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Sunday 9 October 2016

Checking the Fluorescent Light Tubes

One afternoon, we had some free time and decided to go and see how the lights looked. 

The colours that Paul, the media technician, had were purple and sky blue.

 For our colour scheme however we would like to use lighter tones such as pink and ice blue. Because we don't know what they looked like we discussed ordering one iced blue and one pink light and see how they are in person before we order a mass of them for the shoot. 

We also wanted to test how the lights looked on a persona and the effect they had. We tested the different lights on me and below are some photos we captured of it.

We really liked the effect they had and will in future test the lights on our lead singer, Nandi.

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