"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Sunday 9 October 2016

Choosing the Back-up Dancers

We reviewed the footage in our group and began discussing which of the girls we thought would suit our video. We decided to choose Maddy Bowyer and Eden Bowyer. Both girls can be seen at the front dancing in the video. We thought that they had the edge we wanted for the dance. On top of that they are both sisters and they look alike which will look great on camera because it would look very symmetrical; in addition their chemsitry would be really good and we could perhaps showcase that in the dance for the music video. Below is the video of the dance auditions, both Maddy and Eden are in the front, each on opposite sides of Nandi Clarke who is in the middle. 

After deciding on them we emailed them to confirm that we would like them for our music video. we also attached a reference video of the type of dance we would like them to choreograph with Lottie and practise. 

We also attached a video reference to the type of commercial jazz we would like for our music video.

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