"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Getting into our groups

Today we were placed in our Media groups. Saskia, Ella and I then began discussing and reminding each other of our music video ideas. We then looked at the individual elements of each music video and pointed out things that we liked from each others; for example I liked Ella's idea of having a light show and using different types of lights and colours; I also liked Saskia's element of the paint powder being thrown at the singer. Our primary focus was to choose and agree on a song for the music video. There was a mixture of opinions whether we should choose a song of the Indie genre by Saskia and Ella or an R&B song by me. We thought of the possibilities we could do in either an Indie or R&B song and decided that their are more styilistic options available in an R&B song. Therefore for our main idea we will do the R&B song "Are You That Somebody" by Aaliyah and for the back-up we will do ....... by ..... . We enjoyed discussing our ideas and bringing elements from our music video ideas into one.  Now we need to start constructing a treatment for our main idea and a treatment for our back-up idea. 

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