"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Reflection for Music Video Idea 1

From the feedback I received for my first music video, I have reflected on that and made the changes to the video idea using the feedback. Because of the problems of acquiring and filming in a honey factory, I would not use a honey factory, but instead make it more abstract and film it in the studio against a metallic background; to give the industrial look.

 Additionally, I could use lighting and the set to make the video more symbolic and less literal. One issue that was raised was that due to the amount of locations and costume changes it would be difficult to film in one day. Therefore, I would shoot everything in the studio and use detailed backdrops to create the sense of different locations.

The last point was that the song is by a music icon and therefore would be difficult to acquire rights. In addition, Mariah Carey’s voice is distinct and therefore the audience would recognise her and compare the artist to the one in the video; the music video would look more like a cover rather than an individual music video.

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