"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Completed Target: Screen - Saskia Tarn

This is the completed target from one of my group members:

Written by Saskia Tarn

In my group I was set the task of developing our element 2, which is the screens. Initially we wanted to have three individual screens set up in the studio however we soon realised whilst pitching our treatment that this wasn’t possible as there is not enough space to set up three screens.

Having been made aware of this problem we decided we would have to use one single screen and film different sections on their own. 

For example we want both the artist and the dancers with their own screen, so we will shoot them separately and in editing during post-production we will change them so that it looks as though we have all three screens set up when in reality we only used one. We even have a plan B for this as we don’t want it looking unprofessional so it may be the case we have the dance and the artist singing on their own in the music video and we cut between the two to show everything we want, this may be a clearer way of doing it and would remain professional. We would split the sections up and in our final music video we could initially have just the artist then move to the dancers.

We also wanted to ideally have the screens lit so we can shoot not just the silhouette of our dancers and artist from behind, but also flip the lighting around so we also have a few sections of them in front of the screen. We thought this extra detail would help add a new look, and keep our audience focused and engaged as the different sections changed. 

For us it is going to be really important that we do a test run with our dancers especially so we know what it will look like as their silhouette behind the screen shows everything therefore we want them to be confident about what they are doing and look sassy bringing lots of attitude on the day of our shoot. 

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