"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Completed Target: Silhouette wheel - Ellen Lewis

This is a completed target by one of my group members:

Written by Ellen Lewis

Based off our feedback, we went away and considered how to develop each element further into a more solid idea. 

I had the task of improving the silhouette wheel. As this is a big build, needing a lot of time and money to create it, we will incorporate it more into the video.

We discussed scaling up the wheel to a life-size structure (6ft) so that the girl can dance and stand in it. This will allow us more flexibility in terms of shot ideas and angles, which will give us more footage to use in post-production.
We will have the singer being more interactive with the wheel. We discussed having other shots where the wheel is lit from the front as well, so we can see the singer lip syncing while in the wheel.

We also discussed the dancers joining the singer in the wheel for some of the shots. As this is expensive, we want to make the most of this element. 

We will continue with our original visual idea of having the wheel backlit and the girl striking poses. The viewer will just see the wheel and her silhouettes. 


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