"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Monday 12 September 2016

Feedback for Music Video Idea 1

  • The overall general comment was that there were lots of elements and it was a complex music video, and the logistical problems of filming it all in one day. 
  • Another point was that the song choice is by a famous artist (Mariah Carey). People may recognise her voice and then see the music video as just a cover. There also is possiblt the issue of getting the rights to the song.
  • One feedback, was that I do not need to go as literal as basing it in a honey factory, and perhaps finding a symbolic and realistic way of presenting that.
  • I was also made aware of the issue of pouring honey on the singer, as it could be very difficult for the singer to remove and difficult as a subsance to work with.

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