"The camera can capture my face, but until it captures my soul, you ain't got a movie"

Monday 14 December 2015

Make-up for Dead Girl

We need very realistic corpse make-up on the girl, in order to give clues that she is dead, however not to exaggerated to distract from the other elements in the scene.

For her face, we would like to use grey, blue, and green tones to give a dead-look to the girl.

We will also use small hints of red and purple to show signs of bruising and cuts.

On her limbs, fingers/ nails, I want to use deep blues and greens to show her cold body and also when a person dies blood leaves the limbs thus giving a blue tinge to the skin. We will also use make-up to give the impression of gangrenous fingers and nails. 

I really like this video tutorial because the make-up is very close to how I want it on the shoot. 

I think the make-up for the finger is perfect to use on the girls toenails:

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